Server Service File And Printer Sharing Ports Blocked

  1. File And Print Sharing Ports
  2. Windows 10 Enable File And Printer Sharing
  3. Server Service File And Printer Sharing Ports Blocked On Mac

Ports 1024-49151 are known as “registered ports” and are assigned to important common services such as OpenVPN on port 1194 or Microsoft SQL on ports 1433 and 1434. The rest of the port numbers are known as “dynamic” or “private” ports. These ports aren’t reserved and anyone can use them on a network to support a particular service. Check and find that Server, Workstation & Computer Browser Service and all set to Automatic & all Running. Enable File & Printer sharing at the advanced network settings. Smb v1 registry entry is enabled. Ping to this Laptop is fine & Remote desktop connection to this laptop works, the only problem is the laptop won't accept smb. Allows inbound file and printer sharing. To do this Windows Firewall opens UDP ports 137 and 138 and TCP ports 139 and 445.If you enable this policy setting Windows Firewall opens these ports so that this computer can receive print jobs and requests for access to shared files.

Windows 7 / Networking

Server Message Block (SMB), also known as the Common Internet File System (CIFS), is the filesharing protocol used by default on Windows-based computers. Windows includes an SMBclient (the Client For Microsoft Windows feature installed through the properties of a networkconnection) and an SMB server (the File And Printer Sharing For Microsoft Windows featureinstalled through the properties of a network connection). SMB in versions of Windows priorto Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, known as SMB 1.0, was originally designed inthe early 1990s for early Windows-based network operating systems, such as Microsoft LANManager and Windows for Workgroups, and carries with it the limitations of its initial design.

Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 also support SMB 2.0, a new versionof SMB that has been redesigned for today's networking environments and the needs of thenext generation of file servers. SMB 2.0 has the following enhancements:

  1. Supports sending multiple SMB commands within the same packet. This reduces thenumber of packets sent between an SMB client and server, a common complaint against SMB 1.0.
  2. Supports much larger buffer sizes compared to SMB 1.0.
  3. Increases the restrictive constants within the protocol design to allow for scalability.Examples include an increase in the number of concurrent open file handles on theserver and the number of file shares that a server can have.
  4. Supports durable handles that can withstand short interruptions in network availability.
  5. Supports symbolic links.

Computers running Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 support bothSMB 1.0 and SMB 2.0. SMB 2.0 can be used only if both the client and server support it,however. Therefore, both the client and the server must be using SMB 2.0 to benefit from theimprovements. Windows Vista and Windows 7 support complete backward compatibility withSMB 1.0 and earlier versions of Windows.

As with other versions of Windows, server-side support for SMB (sharing files and printers)is provided by the Server service, and client-side support (connecting to shared resources) isprovided by the Workstation service. Both services are configured to start automatically, andyou can safely disable either service if you don't require it. The security risks presented byhaving the Server service running are minimized because Windows Firewall will block incomingrequests to the Server service on public networks by default.

In this tutorial:

Microsoft.Windows.FileServer.Service.SMB.FirewallPortConfig (UnitMonitor)

This object monitors firewall inbound rules for File and Printer Sharing and generates an alert if either the rules are disabled or the corresponding TCP ports are blocked.

Knowledge Base article:


This object monitors firewall inbound rules for File and Printer Sharing and generates an alert if either the rules are disabled or the corresponding TCP ports 445 and 139 are blocked.

Server Service File And Printer Sharing Ports Blocked


This monitor can enter a Critical health state for the following reasons:

Server service file and printer sharing ports blocked calls
  • The Windows Firewall is not running.

  • Firewall rules for File and Printer Sharing targeting TCP port 445 or 139 are disabled.

If the health state is unknown, it means that monitoring has not yet begun for this object.


File And Print Sharing Ports

Determine if Windows Firewall is enabled

To determine if Windows Firewall is enabled, use the following procedure:

1. At an elevated command prompt on the affected server, type: sc query mpssvc and press ENTER.

Windows 10 Enable File And Printer Sharing

2. If the firewall is not running, type the following command: net start mpssvc.

Determine if port firewall rules are enabled

To determine if the firewall rules for the ports are enabled, use the following procedure:

1. Open the Control Panel on the affected server, click System and Security, and then click Windows Firewall.

2. In the left pane, click Advanced Settings and then click Inbound Rules.

3. Check whether the following rules are enabled and the Action is Allow:

  • File and Printer Sharing (NB-Session-In)

  • File and Printer Sharing (SMB-In)


4. If the firewall rules are not enabled, click the rule, and on the Action menu, click Enable Rule.

This monitor automatically resets to a Healthy state after you resolve the issue.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorSystem.Health.AvailabilityState
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityError
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeMicrosoft.Windows.TimedScript.TwoStateMonitorType
Alert Message
Server Service: File and Printer Sharing Ports Blocked
Either Windows Firewall is disabled or the firewall inbound rules for TCP ports 445 or 139 are disabled.

Server Service File And Printer Sharing Ports Blocked On Mac

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