Cmdbuild Installation Ubuntu

Install postgresql and pgadmin3 (note to start pgadmin3 once it’s installed, just search for it in the Unity search in the top left hand corner). Sudo apt-get install postgresql sudo apt-get install pgadmin3. Set a password for the postgresql postgres user, replacing “INSERTPWHERE” with your password. Ubuntu is an open source software platform that runs everywhere from the smartphone, the tablet and the PC to the server and the cloud. CMDBuild® is a configurable web application to model and manage a database containing assets and handle related workflow operations.The aim is to let the operators.

CMDBuild ( is a open-source configuration and management tool: It comprises a completely configurable web application to model and manage a database containing assets, and handle related workflow operations. CMDBuild can be used as an asset management system for any kind of assets, as it gives the administrator full flexibility over the asset model and inter-relationships between assets. CMDBuild also provides connectors to other open source components that can be used to extend the usability of the tool, and add features such as document management, automatic inventorying, external authentication, reports, workflows, GIS features, etc.Alfresco DMS can be connected to CMDBuild and used to store “attachments” for any assets defined and tracked within CMDBuild. Refer to my earlier post here to see how to manually install Alfresco on your Tomcat server. Both Alfresco & CMDBuild can be installed on the same instance of Tomcat if needed. I have on my to-do list a set of posts on CMDBuild itself, and how to install/build/configure it. For this tutorial, we assume you have both CMDBuild and Alfresco DMS up and running already on your server. As a pre-configuration check, you may want to login to CMDBuild and open any card: Check the Attachments tab in the Card Pane on the bottom half of your screen. It should be disabled since we haven’t configured the Alfreco connectivity yet. You will see this button get enabled by the end of this tutorial.

WebApp configuration

  1. Login to Alfresco web application (typically http://localhost:8080/Alfresco if Alfresco is running on your local machine on the usual Tomcat port) using the admin credentials.
  2. Navigate to Company Home > User Homes using the navigation pane on the left.
  3. You can use any name you would like, you just need to be sure to reference the same when you do the configuration within CMDBuild (Step 2 of this tutorial).

  4. Now that the space is created, go to the Administration Console. You can find a link to the top of the page (the very first icon)
  5. Create a new category for CMDBuild documents.

FTP configuration

  1. Find within your Tomcat Alfresco installation (if you followed my earlier post to setup Alfresco, this file would be at <Tomcat Home>/shared/classes. Else you can do a search within <Tomcat Home> to find the file).
  2. Ensure that the FTP properties are not commented out and similar to below. If you are using port 1121 on your machine, you may change the port to an unused one. Just be sure to configure CMDBuild accordingly (Step 2 of this tutorial).
  3. If you needed to edit the property file to get it in line, then you will have to bounce Tomcat to apply the changes. The configuration changes done on the webapp do not need a bounce.

Webapp Configuration

  1. Login to CMDBuild (typically http://localhost:8080/cmdbuild if CMDBuild is running on your local machine on the usual Tomcat port) using admin credentials.
  2. Go into the Administration Module (use the link on the top below the User Name).
  3. Go to Setup > Alfresco and ensure the following Alfresco properties are setup correctly:
    1. Webapp URL: Check hostname & port number (UPDATE: Starting alfresco 4.2.d, the soap web services have moved from http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api to http://localhost:8080/alfresco/soapapi. Ensure your URL setup is correct for your version of alfresco. Thanks for the headsup @MSKang!)
    2. FTP: Check hostname & port number.
    3. Category:
    4. File Server Path: This is the path to the “space” you created under User Homes in Alfresco.
  4. Save the configuration changes.
  1. Now go back into the Data Management Module in CMDBuild and open up a card.
  2. If the configuration was done correctly, the Attachments tab should be enabled now.
  3. Try adding an attachment in CMDBuild & finding it in Alfresco.

    CMDBuild: Alfresco:

If there were any issues with the configuration of either app, you would see errors displayed. Below is one such error that would show up if CMDBuild were unable to reach Alfresco through the URL configured (incorrect hostname/portname/Tomcat not running/Alfresco app not running). Here is another error that would show up if CMDBuild were able to reach the Alfresco URL, but unable to reach its FTP service (incorrect FTP port configuration/Alfresco FTP not enabled).

There are other extensions available for CMDBuild that let you add additional functionality as required. See here for instructions on how to install Enhydra Shark workflow engine for CMDBuild. See here for instructions on how to upload documents to Alfresco via CMDBuild web services.


  1. Networking

This page lists selected server software that can be used in Ubuntu.


  • Basic networking from the server guide

  • LinkAggregation - also known as Bonding or Trunking.


  • OpenLDAP server and LDAP client authentication - Authentication on an LDAP directory (server and client parts)

  • SettingUpNISHowTo - Authentication via NIS

  • Active Directory Authentication

  • Kerberos

  • SecurePass - One Time Password service for DMZ hosts and services


  • Wireless Access Point - Setting up Wireless Access Point

  • Wireless Broadcast System - Setting up LAN hotspot (no internet)

Web servers

  • Apache PHP MySQL - Setting up a LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) web server

  • Highly Available LAMP Server - Setting up a highly available Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP web server

  • Ruby on Rails - Setting up RoR (Ruby On Rails)

  • Apache Tomcat 5 - Java Servlet 2.4 engine with JSP 2.0 support

  • Django - Setting up Django high-level python web framework

Web Applications

  • Blogging with WordPress - Blogging (web publishing).

  • Drupal - A robust content management system.

  • Joomla - Content Management System (CMS) that will help you build websites and other powerful online applications

  • Hive - How to set up a Digital Life Management System. Hive was formally known as Ubuntu Center.

  • PhpBB3 - How to set up a PhpBB3 forum.

  • PunBB forum - PunBB is a fast and lightweight PHP-powered discussion board.

  • MoinMoin - a powerful and highly configurable wiki.

  • MediaWiki - powerful wiki engine used by Wikipedia.

  • CMDBuild - An Open Source CMDB (Configuration and Management Database)

  • Moodle -- A Comprehensive Learning Management System (Online Curriculum)

  • Moodle with MySQL - Installing Moodle with MySQL (alternative instructions)

  • Request Tracker - Set up Request Tracker (web based ticketing system) with email facility.


  • BigBlueButton - A Complete Videoconferencing and Desktop Sharing platform

Mail, Groupware, and Chat Servers

  • Email - The starting point for mail servers - covers the different software used, how they relate together, and more.

  • Mailing List Server - Set up your own mailing list server with Mailman, as used on the Ubuntu mailing lists!

  • Horde4 Mail And Groupware Server - Setting up a basic Horde4 installation on Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS

  • Groupware with Kolab - Setting up this complete mail and calendar server system.

  • Lotus Domino - Setting up Lotus Domino groupware server.

  • IrcServer - Set up an irc server.

  • Dancer-IRCD - Set up Dancer-IRCD server

  • SettingUpJabberServer - Set up a Jabber server.

  • Email Alerts - Send email alerts from Ubuntu Server using ssmtp.

Cmdbuild Installation Ubuntu


  • BIND - Setting up a DNS server with BIND

  • Dynamic DNS - Setting up Dynamic DNS for your computer or LAN.

Proxy Servers

  • Squid - Squid

  • SquidGuard - SquidGuard

  • Pound - Pound Reverse Proxy Server (Run servers on multiple computers on a LAN using a single router and IP address)

  • Apache Reverse Proxies - Using Apache2 as a Reverse Proxy Server (Run servers on multiple computers on a LAN using a single router and IP address)


  • MySQL 5.0 - Setting up a MySQL 5.0 server in Ubuntu

  • PostgreSQL quickstart - Setting up a PostgreSQL 8.1 server in Ubuntu

  • Installing Firebird 2.5.x How to install and set Firebird 2.5.x server in Ubuntu

  • Installing Firebird 3.x How to install and set Firebird 3.0 server (This is Beta and only for testers)

  • Installing JDBC for MySQL 5.0 Install and setup of Java Database Connectivity for MySQL 5.0

  • Using MySQL, JDBC and OpenOffice Using Java Database Connectivity, MySQL and OpenOffice

  • Ingres 2006 - How to build, install and set up an Ingres 2006 server in ubuntu.

File Server

Cmdbuild Install Ubuntu 18.04

  • NFS Server - Setting up Ubuntu as an NFS server.

  • Highly Available NFS server - Setting up a highly available NFS server.

  • Samba Server - Setting up Ubuntu as an Samba server.

  • Samba Server as PDC - Setting up a Windows Domain Controller.

  • iFolderEnterpriseServer - Setting up an iFolder server.

  • GPFS Cluster - Setting up a GPFS Cluster.

  • Apache2WebDavDigestAUTH -- A guide to setting up WebDAV on Apache2 with Digest AUTH enabled


  • Transmission Setup - Setting up Ubuntu Server as a Transmission BitTorrent Server/Client.

GitHub - Mrhavens/openmaint_docker: Docker Compose Build For ...

Cloud Storage‎

  • Dropbox Setup - Setting up Ubuntu Server for Dropbox cloud storage.

Storage Server

  • Highly Available iSCSI Target Server - Setting up a highly available iSCSI Target Server.

  • Highly Available AoE Target Server - Setting up a highly available AoE Target Server.

Cmdbuild Installation Ubuntu Linux

UPNP Mediaserver

  • MediaTomb UPnP Media Server - Setting up Ubuntu as a UPnP media server using the MediaTomb media server.

  • Ps3 Media Server - Setting up Ubuntu as a UPnP media server using the PS3 Media Server.


Remote Administration Access

  • SSHHowto - Setting up SSH remote access.

  • SerialConsoleHowto - Setting up serial console access.

  • AjaxTerm - Ajax Terminal access.

Installation Servers

  • Node Deployment Through Automation - Set up an Ubuntu system to deploy Ubuntu.

  • PXEInstallServer - Set up a server to bootstrap installations.

  • PXE Boot Multiple Distros - Set up an Ubuntu system to deploy other operating systems.

  • Apt-Cacher-Server - Setup a local cache to speed up package installation.

Security Servers

  • IptablesHowTo - Set up a Firewall using iptables.

  • OpenVPN - Setup a bridged OpenVPN server.

  • VPNServer - Setup and configure a VPN server.

  • DansGuardian - Setup an Internet Content Filter.


  • Folding@Home - Do some good with your idle CPU cycles.


  • Nagios3 - Installing and configuring Nagios3 for system and network monitoring. (Documentation for Nagios2.)

  • Zenoss - Installing Zenoss network monitor on Ubuntu Server

  • Logwatch - Installing Logwatch to monitor your system logs and have them emailed to you


  • Quasar - How to install Quasar Accounts, a fully featured client-server business accounting application.

Image boards

See Full List On

  • Danbooru


  • MPICH Cluster - Installing a simple MPICH cluster.

  • Kerrighed Cluster - Guide to setting up Kerrighed 2.3 using Ubuntu 8.04

Cmdbuild Installation Ubuntu Command

Development Tools

  • Subversion - Install Subversion

  • Trac - Install Trac


  • KVM - Installing and configuring the Kernel Virtual Machine

  • JeOSVMBuilder - Using python-vm-builder to create virtual appliances

  • Xen - Installing and configuring Xen

  • UEC - Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud

  • EC2StartersGuide - Ubuntu on Amazon EC2


  • Home Server - Creating a simple Home Server
