How To Crack Unifi Wifi Full


If the deauth is succesfull, a WPA handshake session will appear on the top right column of airodump. Stop capturing and run aircrack-ng to crack the password. Since default UniFi APs only generate random keys of 8 digits, we can easily crack it using a list of digits from 00000000 to 99999999. Wifi password hacking has become popular as people are always in search of the free internet. But due to the advancement of technology, hacking wifi, and cracking passwords have become a difficult task to do. The reason the newer wifi protocols have become safer is due to the implementation of WPA/WPA2 (wifi protected access) protocols.

You will need know use aircrack accomplish this. Basically, it is similar cracking any WPA APs.
The key this is have
  1. At least 1 client connecting the AP
Before proceeding, make sure you are familiar with cracking WEP using aircrack-ng

How To Crack Unifi Wifi Full Crack

OK first we will need capture the handshake between the client and AP.
Our current target is wany@
Then, we will run a deauth attack force the client create a new handshake.

Unifi Wifi Repeater

If the deauth is succesfull, a WPA handshake session will appear on the top right column of airodump.
Stop capturing and run aircrack-ng crack the .
Since default APs only generate random keys of 8 digits,
we can easily crack it using a list of digits from 00000000 99999999
You can get my generated wordlist here

How To Crack Unifi Wifi Full Version


Tm Unifi

And there you have it!